640 x 452 pixels - 112 KB
japanese army improvised hospital (peking 1937)

1024 x 670 pixels - 299 KB
japanese soldier with a white bird on his arisaka rifle

525 x 640 pixels - 136 KB
japanese soldier smiling to a little chirdren before leaving to the front in manchuria (1933)

635 x 640 pixels - 131 KB
japanese army veterans and nurses relaxing in the hospital backyard (japan 1939)

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japanese soldiers reloading a type 92 heavy machine gun during heavy fighting (south china 1939)

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Lieutenant Colonel Hatsuo Tsukamoto leading his infantryman to assault Kokoda village and airfield (New Guinea july 1942)

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propaganda photo of a japanese soldier smiling to a chinese boy holding a japanese flag (north china 1938)

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a japanese army air force pilot with his Mitsubishi Ki-21 bomber aircraft (1942)

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colored photo of the japanese imperial army general Tomoyuki Yamashita

640 x 408 pixels - 142 KB
type 95 tanks and type 97 tanks of the chiba tank school during exercises (1940)

640 x 575 pixels - 153 KB
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