Monday, October 25, 2010

Reichsjugendführer Baldur von Schirach

452 x 306 pixels - 125 KB
Robert Ley and Baldur von Schirach

Girlfriends, Wives, Families, Couples, Spousse etc.

519 x 657 pixels - 36,4 KB
Typical Aryan family

800 x 533 pixels - 83,8 KB
the young flak gunner is coming home from combat on leave. It looks like he has enjoyed his few days of peace and rest and now the granny and girlfriend have to say good bye once again to their love. The granny and girlfriend are clearly not happy.

700 x 477 pixels - 47 KB
Panzertruppe member with his frau

Panzertruppen in Color

745 x 1023 pixels - 73,8 KB
Crack panzertruppe

700 x 477 pixels - 47 KB
Panzertruppe member with his frau

Monday, October 18, 2010

Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) in Color

640 x 512 pixels - 70,3 KB
Panzer 38(t) passing the convoy

Captured Wehrmacht Panzers in Color

778 x 590 pixels - 148 KB
Captured German panzer by American

640 x 512 pixels - 67,1 KB
French Panhard

Schwere Panzer Abteilung in Color

440 x 282 pixels - 21,9 KB
Tiger from Schwere Panzer Abteilung 502 near Leningrad

Panzerkampfwagen IV in Color

1171 x 769 pixels - 241 KB
German Panzer IVs advance a knocked-out British Bren gun carrier in Africa

640 x 512 pixels - 71,1 KB
Panzer IV in the summer

487 x 270 pixels - 15,9 KB
The bulk of the weight of the panzer forces by 1943 was pulled by the Panzer IV. Here the crew rest with wehrmacht officer in Ukraine

Panzerkampfwagen V Panther in Color

487 x 270 pixels - 15,8 KB
Panther turret being replaced in Russia about 1944, the machinist doing all the work he could. Could it be the workman version of the panther, the burgpanther?

Panzerkampfwagen II in Color

700 x 750 pixels - 204 KB
A rare colour slide of Panzer I and II's during the invasion of Poland, 1939

487 x 270 pixels - 18,3 KB
Well weared Panzer II early model with small stug style gun in Russia

Jagdpanzer 38(t) (Sd.Kfz. 138/2) "Hetzer" in Color

800 x 529 pixels - 54,8 KB
Adolf Hitler inspecting Hetzer

Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger in Color

894 x 641 pixels - 110 KB
Tiger from Schwere Panzer Abteilung 502 near Leningrad

700 x 615 pixels - 58,3 KB
Tiger with its crew

487 x 270 pixels - 18,5 KB
The famous Tiger tank, probably the coolest tank of World War II! The 88mm ammo is being loaded

800 x 574 pixels - 63,5 KB
Tiger with its crew

Sunday, October 17, 2010

General der Artillerie Walter Warlimont

512 x 650 pixels - 190 KB
Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel (right) with Walter Warlimont (last rank: General der Artillerie)

Berghof in Color

856 x 650 pixels - 144 KB
Berghof house

428 x 650 pixels - 170 KB
Otto Günsche (center) in the Berghof

512 x 650 pixels - 190 KB
Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel (right) with Walter Warlimont (last rank: General der Artillerie)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Waffen-SS in Color

291 x 460 pixels - 36,6 KB
SS in camo

530 x 749 pixels - 90,9 KB
SS soldier drink

518 x 749 pixels - 79,2 KB
SS soldier in camo

544 x 850 pixels - 148 KB
SS soldier with Heer eagle visor