Sunday, November 28, 2010

Major Konrad Knabe

781 x 499 pixels - 36,1 KB
It was originally posted on Axis History Forum by AHF member "ttvon". The Luftwaffe Oberleutnant to Dietl's left is Konrad Knabe (a future RKT on 16.04.1943 as a Kettenführer with the Aufklärungsstaffel 1.(F)/124 (Kette Lappland), this according to AHF member "joerg". The Heer Officer is unidentified but Dietl's Signals Officer Oberleutnant Fürst Windisch-Grätz has been suggested by AHF member "Juha Hujanen".

Gebirgsjäger (German Mountain Troops) in Color

681 x 900 pixels - 210 KB
Maybe a Gebirgsjäger?

682 x 1023 pixels - 52,6 KB
Gebirgsjäger soldier

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Gebirgsjäger with his climbing equipment

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Gebirgsjäger with his MG34

Junkers Ju 52 "Tante" in Color

1024 x 576 pixels - 233 KB
Junkers Ju 52 with red Balkenkreuz

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Generaloberst Otto Deßloch

431 x 640 pixels - 42,9 KB
Otto Deßloch

346 x 499 pixels - 18,6 KB
Otto Deßloch

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Heinkel He 111 in Color

496 x 463 pixels - 62,2 KB
A formation of Heinkel He 111

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Vizeadmiral Kurt-Caesar Hoffmann

350 x 498 pixels - 77,8 KB
Kurt-Caesar Hoffmann

SS-Obersturmbannführer Fritz Darges

450 x 680 pixels - 33 KB
Fritz Darges and Adolf Hitler

755 x 1283 pixels - 138 KB
Fritz Darges

Christmas in Nazi Era in Color

700 x 473 pixels - 176 KB
Christmas in 1940

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Generalleutnant Georg-Wilhelm Postel

474 x 800 pixels - 120 KB
Georg-Wilhelm Postel as an Oberst. Colorization image by Larrister

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Generalleutnant Ferdinand Heim

513 x 799 pixels - 163 KB
Ferdinand Heim as a Generalmajor. A colorized picture from Wehrmacht Awards Forum

Friday, November 12, 2010

Oberst Hajo Herrmann

540 x 787 pixels - 57,6 KB
Hajo Herrmann

Kriegsberichter in Color

700 x 551 pixels - 92,9 KB
Interview by Kriegsberichter

Eating in War

556 x 749 pixels - 95,9 KB
Heer soldier eating his bread

Drinking in War

640 x 467 pixels - 97,8 KB
bulgarian civilian giving water to a german army motocyclist (bulgaria 1942)

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SS soldier drink

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hauptmann Hans-Joachim Marseille

386 x 527 pixels - 165 KB
Colorizing photo of Hans-Joachim Marseille

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Hans-Joachim Marseille with his crews

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Hans-Joachim Marseille (as Oberleutnant) & his Bf 109f

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Hans-Joachim Marseille in the African desert

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Hans-Joachim Marseille

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Hans-Joachim Marseille

373 x 607 pixels - 50,9 KB
Hans-Joachim Marseille

Friday, November 5, 2010

Safety Harness and Life-Jacket

453 x 444 pixels - 92,4 KB
The crew of a Ju 88 prepare for take-off. Their safety-harness supported them in the water if they had to bale out over the waters. The British equivalent had to be inflated in the water, which was always not possible

Junkers Ju 88 in Color

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Junkers Ju 88 somewhere on the Eastern Front

453 x 444 pixels - 92,4 KB
The crew of a Ju 88 prepare for take-off. Their safety-harness supported them in the water if they had to bale out over the waters. The British equivalent had to be inflated in the water, which was always not possible

Loading Ammunition

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Luftwaffe armourers loading Machine-gun belts into the drums for Messerschmitt Bf 110's formidable nose armament

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Armorers work on the nose guns of Messerschmitt Bf 110, so formidable when the Zerstörer pilots could bring them to bear

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Luftwaffe Award Ceremony in Color

561 x 806 pixels - 141 KB
The following (rare) colour photo shows a Luftwaffe night fighter pilot: Manfred Meurer, seen here receiving the Ritterkreuz out of the hands of Gen. Josef Kammhuber in Septtember 1943. This event took place at the airfield of Venlo in Holland.

General der Flieger Josef Kammhuber

561 x 806 pixels - 141 KB
The following (rare) colour photo shows a Luftwaffe night fighter pilot: Manfred Meurer, seen here receiving the Ritterkreuz out of the hands of Gen. Josef Kammhuber in Septtember 1943. This event took place at the airfield of Venlo in Holland.

Hauptmann Manfred Meurer

561 x 806 pixels - 141 KB
The following (rare) colour photo shows a Luftwaffe night fighter pilot: Manfred Meurer, seen here receiving the Ritterkreuz out of the hands of Gen. Josef Kammhuber in Septtember 1943. This event took place at the airfield of Venlo in Holland.

Major Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer

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From left to right: Leutnant Fritz Rumpelhardt, Hauptmann Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer & Oberfeldwebel Wilhelm Gänsler

Fregattenkapitän Albrecht Brandi

572 x 788 pixels - 68,3 KB
Albrecht Brandi

Cars of Wehrmacht in Color

800 x 677 pixels - 208 KB
Car from Nachrichten-Abteilung 292, 292.Infanterie-Division

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oberstleutnant Georg Dörffel

540 x 800 pixels - 123 KB
Georg Dörffel